
It is Hocoma’s latest interactive vertebral static recovery and reeducation solution. Patients benefit from the functions of: learning, assessment, progress reporting and individually adjustable treatment plans. Functional and motivational exercises for various therapeutic purposes help patients improve their motor control and movement awareness, thus improving the overall outcome of therapy.

Valedo offers interactive assessments and exercises that combine virtual reality play, allowing patients to perform training movements for the lower back and torso. The combination of clinical movement therapy with an attractive and motivating environment is designed to keep patients wishing to continue training and progressing as recovery progresses.

Valedo Motion software captures patient movements and training activity and provides clear reports on the progress of their treatment. Recorded movements and quantitative assessments of movement dysfunctions provide patients and specialists with a deeper understanding of the problems and outcomes of therapy. With this information, our therapists can customize treatment sessions for each patient and can plan future therapeutic measures based on personal progress. next :

  • objective assessment of the trunk movement;
  • Permanent motivation through play;
  • Real-time feedback.