Vibramoov 2

It is a system for sensory-motor rehabilitation through Proprioceptive Functional Stimulation – SFP, developed by the French company Techno Concept.

One of the main challenges of neuro-rehabilitation is restoring coordination between movement and related neuro-sensory information.

VibraMoov Physio offers the possibility of recovering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the help of focused vibration stimulation, allowing a sensory-motor stimulation with multiple therapeutic effects: functional proprioceptive stimulation, muscle stimulation and pain inhibition, based on the theory of gate control.

VibraMoov Physio technology is revolutionary in functional movement therapy by maintaining sensory and motor functions even when movement is impossible. Developed over a period of 30 years of clinical and scientific research, VibraMoov sequences stimulate the nervous system with sensory information identical to that which normally occurs during natural movement.

This related information can induce motor responses corresponding to the sensation experienced by the patient. These stimuli maintain the sensory-motor interaction and stimulate neuroplasticity, accelerating the recovery process.

Vibramoov therapy gives patients the chance and satisfaction to make further movements. Its early action limits the occurrence of numerous damages caused by long periods of immobility. The daily rehabilitation time is improved, it becomes more pleasant and less tiring.

The technology offers a non-invasive therapy to accelerate recovery, reduce pain, improve mobility and muscle tone, and includes 4 protocols:

Mobility: Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations (FPS) are applied on the musculo-tendinous junction.FPS mechanically stimulate the muscle spindles, mimicking the sensory signals – Ia fibers of functional movements. This neurosensory trick activates related sensory-motor areas allowing patients to feel natural movements.

Because sensory & motor systems are interdependent, the CNS then reacts by initiating corresponding movements.

Antalgy: These focal stimulations are used for the treatment of pain by the stimulation of skin mechanoreceptors & the gate control effect.

Spasticity: Stimulations are applied in the middle of the antagonist muscle to the spastic one. They induce an increased activity in the stimulated muscle & a reciprocal inhibition of antagonist/spastic one. For patients with significant spasticity, mode 3 has to be applied through several sessions before applying mode 1 “mobility”.

Tonicity: increases muscle tone, recovers muscle mass, improves motor function, achieves significant proprioceptive stimulations. The optimal effects of those stimulations are reached when patients achieve isometric contractions of stimulated muscles synchronously with stimulations.